Test and Tag is the name given to the process of checking the safety of portable electrical appliances. It involves two parts: first visually inspecting the appliance for any damage, followed by electrically testing it with a Portable Appliance Tester.
The primary reason behind doing testing and tagging is to ensure the safety of the people in the workplace coming into contact with the appliance, while also minimising the risk of an electrical hazard. The AS/NZS 3760 is the Australian Standard that provides guidelines and regulations for the test and tag industry with regards to electrical safety of appliances. It sets our recommendations to issues such as test and tag intervals, defines who can test and tag and general recommendations.
What type of equipment is tested and tagged?
In short, any device that has a flexible cable, a removable plug and is not low voltage (not exceeding 50V). This includes extension leads, cord sets and portable RCD’s.
Generally, electrical appliances can be classed as either:
Class I – this is an earthed appliance i.e. kettles, irons and toasters
Class II – double insulated appliances, which are usually identified with a symbol (a square within a square) or with the words ‘Double Insulated’ i.e. most electric drills and hair dryers
It's worth mentioning that new equipment doesn't need to be tested - just visually inspected and tagged.
How often should appliances be tested and tagged?
The Australian Standards recommend particular test and tag frequencies based on the type of environment the appliance resides in. Sometimes, this might differ depending on a workplaces individual risk assessment.
Not sure if you need your appliances test and tagged?
Does your company require testing and tagging? Leading Electrical WA provides a professional service by qualified electricians complete with test and tag reports. Contact us today for an assessment on your testing and tagging needs!
*information gathered from http://www.testandtagtraining.com.au/what-is-test-and-tag
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